Hey There! I'm

Sahil Gupta

Full-Stack Software Developer

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I'm a Passionate Developer, Constantly Exploring and Creating in the World of Tech and Beyond. On a Constant Journey of Transforming Ideas into Heartfelt Code

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Ice And Spice - A Restaurant Website Built Using Django

Python, Django, HTML, CSS, JS

A Restaurant Website Built Using Django Framework

Maze Generator Using Pygame

Python, Pygame

Maze Generator using pygame and backtracking with DFS algorithm

Maze Solver Using Pygame

Python, Pygame

Maze Solver using pygame (uses maze generated by MazeGenerator project)

Content Aggregator Using Django

Python, Django, Content-Aggregator, RSS

Content Aggregator Using Django

Named Entity Recognition using Bi-LSTM Model

Python, Streamlit, NER, ML, Bi-LSTM

Classify Named Entities using Bi-LSTM Model

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Have any queries or opportunities? Or just wanna say Hi?
Feel free to reach out!

+91 95274 20466

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